Designed for the girl who is about to become a big sister!
Big news is coming. There is a baby in Mommy’s tummy. Wow, a new, tiny addition is coming to the family.
Our main character is very excited to become a big sister, but is also a little anxious. How can she be a good sister? What can a baby even do?
A sweet and funny story about what it is like to be a big sister. The story gently addresses all the feelings and changes that can happen in a child’s life when a new baby comes into the family.
This book should be read to a child who is going to be a big sister, before the birth and when the baby has arrived.
On the last page, the child can draw themselves with their little sibling.
If you are looking for a personalized children’s book for big brother, you can find it under the title: 'Name Becomes a Big Brother'.
Forfatter: Brian Mogensen
Illustrator: Anja Løfkvist
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