Climb aboard Santa’s sleigh and help to deliver presents for Christmas Day!
In this personalised children's book, you can choose whether one or two children will help Santa Claus to deliver presents the night before Christmas. This is the perfect job for his new holiday helpers. So off they go together with Santa, sleigh and reindeer, on the jolly journey to different countries.
The festive flight brings many thrilling adventures and lots of Christmas joy. Along the way, the children learn about different Christmas traditions and foods of other countries. Making your way down a chimney isn’t so easy. Luckily, Santa has a few Christmas tricks up his sleeve to help them! Their magical mission ends back at home, where they celebrate Christmas together with their family.
This book is the fourth book from our magical Christmas collection. Take a look at the prequels of the collection for more festive fun:
Name and Name's Christmas Adventure.
Name and Name in Santa’s Workshop.
Name and Name Save Christmas.
The books combine into an enchanting Christmas adventure, but each book can also be read separately.
Forfatter: Anne Mette K Olesen
Illustrator: Meike Schneider
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