A sweet car book for the youngest!
Zoom Zoom! In this book, our little sweet hero loves cars in all shapes and colors. Today, they are going on a trip with the adults to spot all different vehicles.
On the journey they find a fire engine, police car, race car, dumpster truck, ambulance, mailman truck, electric car and the car carrier truck. They speak to the people who work with these cars in their daily lives. Perhaps, our little hero can help the firefighter put out a fire and the mailman deliver letters? They get to ride in the race car with the driver and help the police officer in the traffic. Before heading home, there is time for an ice cream. There is always time for ice cream!
The child is actively involved during the reading process, for instance, by honking the horn, waving, counting, and finding the teddy bear amongst other things!
This personalized children’s book is for the youngest children from 1 year old.
The adults in the story can be parents, grandparents, single parents and families with two mothers.
Forfatter: Anna Dybdal
Forfatter: Helena Joy
Illustrator: Anja Løfkvist
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